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Backyard Birding How To Attract Birds To Your Garden

bird feeders

If you're a bird lover, you've probably always wanted to attract more birds to your garden. Fortunately, there are several ways to make your backyard bird-friendly. Here are five tried-and-true ways to make your garden more attractive to our feathered friends.

1. Provide Food

Birds need food to survive, just like any other living creature. By providing bird feeders in your yard, you can attract many different types of birds. Make sure you choose feeders that are suitable for the species you want to attract. For example, if you want to attract finches, choose a finch feeder that has small holes so that their beaks can fit through them. Also, make sure you fill the feeders up with fresh seed regularly so that birds have a consistent food source.

2. Offer Water

Birds also need water to drink and bathe in, especially during hot summer months. By providing a birdbath in your yard, you can provide birds with a place to drink and bathe. Choose a shallow birdbath with a gradual slope so that birds of all sizes can use it. Make sure you change the water regularly to keep it clean and prevent mosquitoes from breeding in stagnant water.

3. Provide Shelter

Birds need shelter to protect them from the elements and predators. An easy way to provide shelter is to plant trees and shrubs native to your area. These provide natural cover for birds, and also provide nesting sites if they decide to breed in your yard. You can also add birdhouses to your yard to give birds a safe and secure place to roost.

4. Plant Bird-Friendly Plants

By planting flowers that produce nectar, you can attract hummingbirds, butterflies, and other pollinators to your garden. Also, by planting berry bushes or fruit trees, you can attract birds that feed on fruit. Be sure to choose plants that are native to your area and that bloom throughout the year to provide a steady food source for birds.

5. Reduce Chemical Use

Pesticides and herbicides can harm birds by killing off their food sources or poisoning them directly. By reducing or eliminating the use of chemicals in your yard, you can make your garden a safer place for birds. If you must use chemicals, be sure to follow the instructions carefully and apply them when birds are least active.

How to Attract Specific Types of Birds

By providing the right food and habitat, you can attract specific types of birds to your yard. Here are some tips for attracting different types of birds:


Hummingbirds are attracted to red and orange flowers that produce nectar. By planting these types of flowers, you can attract hummingbirds to your yard. You can also use a hummingbird feeder filled with nectar to attract them.


Finches are attracted to thistle seed, which can easily be provided in a finch feeder. You can also plant flowers that produce thistle seed, such as coneflowers and asters.

Blue Jays:

Blue Jays are attracted to peanuts, which can be provided in a peanut feeder or simply scattered on the ground. They are also attracted to suet, which can be provided in a suet feeder.


Orioles are attracted to oranges and grape jelly. You can offer these treats in an oriole feeder or simply place them on a dish in your yard.

Tips & Tricks

Here are a few additional tips and tricks for attracting birds to your garden:

  • Keep your yard free of litter and debris to provide a clean and safe environment for birds.
  • Offer a variety of food sources to attract a diverse range of birds.
  • Provide nesting materials such as twigs, feathers, and grass clippings.
  • Place bird feeders and birdbaths near natural cover, such as trees and shrubs, to provide birds with shelter and protection.
  • Keep your cat indoors or use a cat deterrent to protect birds from predation.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take for birds to discover my yard?

It can take a few days to a few weeks for birds to discover your yard, depending on the species and your location. Be patient and keep providing food and water to attract them.

How do I know which bird feeders to choose?

Choose bird feeders based on the species you want to attract. Look for feeders that are suitable for their beak size and choose high-quality feeders that are durable and easy to clean.

How can I keep squirrels and other pests away from my bird feeders?

Use squirrel-proof feeders or place a baffle on your existing feeder to prevent squirrels from eating the seed. You can also use spicy or bitter seed blends to deter squirrels and other pests.

Can I attract migratory birds to my yard?

Yes, you can attract migratory birds to your yard by providing food, water, and shelter during migration season. Plant native flowers and shrubs that bloom during migration season to provide food and habitat for these birds.

Do I need a large yard to attract birds?

No, you don't need a large yard to attract birds. Even a small backyard can be made bird-friendly by providing food, water, and shelter.

By following these tips and tricks, you can create a bird-friendly backyard that will attract a wide variety of birds to your yard. Enjoy watching these beautiful and fascinating creatures as they visit your garden.

How To Attract Birds To Your Backyard / Attracting Birds To Your Yard - attract attracting

5 Ways to Attract Birds to Your Garden with a Bird-Friendly Backyard - birds attract garden backyard feeders

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